Monday, March 28, 2016


basketball is a good sport last year i played for my school team it was super fun i loved it i loved to be with the other girls and pratice with the boys team it was fun because it would be hard to actually score with people  bigger then you we tried at out games and won few but the experiance was good everyone was family to each other thats what mad it mire fun the sitting and doing nothing

Monday, March 21, 2016


shyness can apper in manny people i have it i don't tend to talk in big crouds i tend to not talk to people when i don't know them so say i have to got to a different school i wouldn't talk to anyone kne until i trusted one person and then they introduced me to one of there's i have still to actually get over it I have an acient so some times the way i talk get caught up with my talking i talk super low 

Monday, March 7, 2016


Image result for flint  water

The Flint water is still the same but i want you guys to also realize it could happen to you t so keep praying and helping to give them clean water so the  population of America  dose no  drop majorly or by ones for your time to come so help the new generation live  and help to make America a better place


smile and laugh more

Saturday, March 5, 2016



In Flint now they are struggling with health because of the water there drinking water the government decided to change there water source which hey did so then there water got toxic with lead that they still  have to pay for have already killed 10 and another 7  are on there way they would have to change the water source back which they did and nothing happened because the pipes  rusted not the water duh so you guys should help and send  water  to help america become a better civil nation for everyone .

Image result for clesn cses for water flint
Image result for flint waterImage result for clesn cses for water flint